Technogym tapped Shamin Abas for its Hamptons-focused program in 2022 and the firm delivered a multi-faceted program for the brand that allowed for warm introductions to more than 150 Hamptons homeowners with a passion for health and wellness.

Prospective buyers had the opportunity to experience a personalized, private training session at Topping Rose House in Bridgehampton during the two-week pop-up that took place in the hotel’s large, bright studio adjacent to the swimming pool and sun deck. The 45-minute by-invitation sessions were reserved for participants invited from within Shamin’s network, VIP hotel guests, and members of Topping Rose’s wellness club. The firm also arranged for Technogym fitness classes using the brand’s portable kit, which took place twice a week throughout the month of July.

As part of Technogym’s involvement as a partner in The Bridge’s annual by-invitation car exhibition, the firm arranged and coordinated a two-day summer members program at the club, which centered on Technogym’s Golf Performance Program. There, members were offered private training sessions with a pro golf PGA trainer.

The firm arranged for Technogym to have a presence with its bike line-up at the Bridgehampton Motoring Club which, on each Sunday, is the meet-up spot for a group of 150 avid riders who head off on a two-hour ride in the summer months. The club agreed to allow the firm to bring in Technogym to host a pop-up event, which gave the riders that morning an exclusive preview of the soon-to-launch Technogym Ride.

The summer programming concluded with a sunset cocktail reception on the penthouse terrace at the newly completed waterfront townhome of renowned real estate developer Jay Bialsky. Technogym’s home line was featured during the 50-person event and warm introductions were made to the Technogym executive team who were in attendance.